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About Me

I’m a 2015 graduate of Kendall College of Art and Design, where I got my Illustration degree. I studied jewelry at the Fuji Jewelry Studio in Florence, Italy and I speak German as a second language. I mostly work traditionally (I love working in pen and ink and doing watercolors) but I enjoy working digitally as well.

I'm currently a full-time Graphic Designer, doing Illustration and other projects freelance on the side.


I love going new places, when I’m not working on art I’m usually traveling and taking photos of my journeys.


My typography and graphic design have been featured on the design blog, Design Milk. I love a challenge and I’m always trying to learn new skills that will help me grow as an artist, and expand the services I can provide clients.

When not working on 2D art, I'm often found helping out a local botanically themed dance troupe with making costumes, props and merchandise for their shows.

When not creating, I'm usually in my garden, planning my garden for the next season, or hiking and camping. Nature and its preservation are two of my passions and it's always been my biggest inspiration. 

Questions about commissioning me for a custom project can be sent to, prints and other products with my artwork on it can be found on my online shops below.




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